The Meaning Of Facial Moles

Tung Shu, otherwise known as the Chinese Almanac is a book containing interesting dates about good and bad dates. However, there is much more to it than that. The book is a goldmine of information on topics such as symbols, codes and astrology. Ancient Chinese philosophers and wise sages derived this information. One thing that is particularly interesting is the information about face moles meaning.

It is believed that facial moles have interesting meanings. However, this only applies to a prominent, single mole. Small moles, spots, freckles and acne do not count. The position of the prominent mole is the key to the meaning thereof.

Positions one, two and three are located in the center of your forehead. It is believed that children with moles on in those locations are rebellious. They are also creative and have a relaxed attitude about life. As an adult, you may be a successful entrepreneur who would rather be self-employed.

When you find the single mole above your eyebrows in the center of your eyes, it would be symbolic of flamboyant person that will have a bubbly personality. This person can be difficult and argumentative. They will also be very forgiving. When the growth is removed, they will believe the person would have a rather peaceful attitude towards life.

It the growth is located above the center of one eyebrow, you are probably a lucky person. However, you will likely have to work a bit harder than other people do. People may be jealous of you; therefore, you have to look after your assets. Be careful as to not be tempted into joining get-rich-quick schemes and remain in control of your finances.

Position number six is situated in and amongst the brow hairs. This is indicative of intelligence and creativity. You may become wealthy because of your artistic skill. This growth may also bring you much wealth, but only if you are able to let go of the conventional and rather follow your heart. You have to be brave to realize this gift.

There are twenty-three different facial locations where spots or growths might occur. Some may indicate your personality, spirituality, health, wealth and even your future. For instance, a growth under your nose could indicate that your children and grandchildren will have good luck and that your family supports you.

Position number twenty, which is right between the eyes, could indicate extremely good or bad luck. Being talented with both creativity and intelligence, the person could put these gifts to work in either a positive or a negative way, but finds it difficult to forgive others. Many more face moles meanings are also described in this book.