Things They Never Told Me At School But Could Have

It’s funny, but when asked about things learnt that have served to be the greatest contribution to their lives most people will not mention anything from schools days. Have you noticed this? I can say that the things I have learnt which have served as a platform for personal growth did not come from the classroom.

Basically, the education system with its tunnel-minded curriculum is designed to make young people fit into boxes for the corporations and suchlike when they come out. In a way, that means, you’re going to have to make up for an absence of really learning about life!

Here are 7 things they never told me at school (but could have).

1. The Importance of Communication

We were never told the importance of communication or trained in this area. Effective communication brings together so many different things and therefore serves as a great life handling tool: Great relationships, successful projects, achievements… are all routed in effective communication.

2. Everything is the expression of consciousness

Life shows up as a consequence of where you are consciously at: Your thoughts, feelings and emotions, attitude… all contribute to the life that ‘shows up’ for you. So, if you don’t like the life you’re living then change these things. For example, if you find yourself in victimhood circumstances (the symptoms of victim consciousness) then look at where you are consciously at and change these things (the root cause).

3. Natural health

Like other schools we had our share of economics teachers but no one ever said that the best investment in life you could ever make is in your health. Because of corporate interests the education curriculum generally focuses only on pharmaceutical approaches when it comes to health. Alternative practitioners and great pioneers with their potentially life-saving approaches based on natural health have been ignored. There are 4 things that support good health. They are: Nutrition, exercise, attitude in life and the environment, but sadly, this is not given enough attention.

4. Applying philosophy

In school we never talked that much about life. No curriculum was ever set up to have conversations and discussions with our teachers on how to handle life; dealing with problems, or how to make relationships work… etc, the things that matter most to us. Sadly most people grow up, possibly out of school habit, seldom talk about life and spend much of their time talking meaningless nah, nah, nah nothings… and look at the result: A world full of people going nowhere in their lives, just like the soap opera characters on TV. Philosophy doesn’t have to be just mere armchair discussion. It can be used to practically apply ideas in life, hence the empowering phrase ‘applying philosophy.’

5. Being yourself

You don’t have to just be some corporate cog-in-wheel care of the education system’s grooming. I have learned that being yourself is your biggest strength. More than ever, particularly on the humanitarian front, the world needs people to think for themselves. Realize that there are other ways, different to this education sausage machine that turns out well educated clones unable to really think for themselves. As Albert Einstein once said “Real thinking is to think the unthinkable…” History has shown outside-of-the-box individuals thinking for themselves and they have contributed greatly to humanity…

6. Having a deep and genuine love for yourself

How do you expect to have a deep and genuine love flowing out there with your family, friends, groups, communities, the environment or all things spiritual… and then have it return on you when you had not began that deep and genuine love right there with your own self? This is consistent with 2 above that life shows up as a consequence of where you are consciously at.

7. The past is your biggest enemy in life

I was never told at school how to learn to realise that my past can run me instead of me running it: Fear, anxiety or an unwillingness to be creative and adventurous… are the operatives here. Because this subject could go into great lengths I’ve decided to make it something for another day. Simpler to say to be in present time, the only place where life exists is something to be cherished and mastered.

Of course, there were others but I’ll leave there, at least for now.

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What Is Love

One of the most googled questions ever is “What is love?” So, in view of its popularity alone I felt compelled to look into this. I hope that those reading my response will get some insights. An insight is something you get which allows you to achieve something that could not have been achieved had it not been for that insight.

So, here’s my answer to that very pertinent question ‘what is love?’ Here are the insights: What I have gained from learning about love. .

Love is…

1 Having a deep and genuine love for yourself. How do you expect the cycle of love to come back on you when you haven’t began with a real deep and genuine love, compassion and acceptance for yourself?

2 An innate love or natural urge towards partnership; caring for one’s spouse, family and children…

3 An innate love towards groups; being in teams and teamwork.

4 An innate love of the human race. A natural want to care for cultures, communities, preserve populations… etc.

5 An innate love and natural instinctive urge to want to care for the life on this planet.

6 An innate love for Mother Earth; the environment…

7 Having an innate love for all things spiritual.

8 An innate love for God, Goddess, All-There-Is. (I have written it in this form to avoid a narrow interpretation). Notice if you turn 8 at right angles it becomes: which is infinity!

Love means accepting a loved one for the way they are or the way they are not. -For me, this is the single most effective insight I have ever gained and learned about love.

For further insight it is also very effective to know what love is not

Love is NOT:

Thinking the person you love is like the car you have, or the clothes you’re wearing. That is, love is not possession.

Love is not belongingness, feelings, emotions, chemistry or domination… All these things can only be the effects of love. Tie these things in with the false understanding they are love then this could lead to confusion or victimhood drama. Learn to discern what love actually is when these things show up in your life.

So, above all, I would say, do realize that love is something that we do not understand.

I indeed hope that this all to brief little tour through love has allowed you the reader to get some useful insights.

If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more… Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is: