Feng Shui Tips For Your Home Office

According to the US Census, about half of all business in the United States are run from the home. Since so many people are working from home at least part of the time, it makes sense to try and keep things running smoothly and harmoniously. To that end, here are some Feng Shui Tips for your home office.

Youll need your compass for some of these tips. Placing items and rooms properly is one of the keys to proper Feng Shui.

If you are able to choose the location of your home office, the best place for it to be is in the North end of your home. The North Sector is often called the Career Sector. If that is unavailable, the Southwest corner is the Wealth Sector, the Northeast is the Skills and Talent Sector, and finally the South is the Fame and Recognition Sector. Do your best to locate your home office in one of those sectors, with the North being the most desirable, and the South being the least.

Some other general Feng Shui Tips for objects within your home office are:

1) Always sit so that there is a solid wall behind your back. This ensures you have support in your life. Never sit with your back to the window.

2) Always place the fax machine, telephone, computers, and cash registers in the southeast wealth sector to attract more prospective business.

3) Arrange your desk to have a clear view of the door, preferably facing the door. If it is impossible to arrange, hang a small mirror so that you can see the doors reflection.

4) Never put a shelf over your desk. The shelf symbolizes the burdens of the world coming down upon you.

5) Try and keep sharp items such as paper cutters, scissors, or the sharp corner of a machine away from your desk. Make sure they are not pointing at the desk. Keep as many sharp objects as possible hidden from view in a drawer or closet. The sharp edges symbolize the cutting of a knife which is a disapproving finger pointing at you.

6) Make sure that you can walk completely around your desk so that your workmates and workload do not cramp you.

7) Avoid clutter at all times and at all costs! Do not have an in or out tray on your desk. Keep only on your desk what is necessary for what you are doing at the moment.

8) Dont keep cactus plants in your office. The needles of the cactus plants are thought to create negative energy flow.

9) Never arrange your desk in such a way that if the door swings open it will open into your desk. This will cause you to be faced with unexpected situations. If the door jams against your desk, it can block your prosperity.

10) If there are two doors in your office, dont place your desk between them. The good Chi will pass right by you and out the other door.

As one final Feng Shui tip for your home office, a tabletop fountain made of bamboo or flat round stones is always good in the southeast corner to increase prosperity. If your company has a sign or logo, place it in the southeast corner of the office as well. Make good use of these Feng Shui tips and may you be showered with many blessings.